{What is all the calamity about?}

{Farm Life} ....... {Art} ...... {Learning} ...... {Motherhood} ......{The Story of Us}

Blehck and White

Well, things are back to normal. I took that first photo yesterday. All signs of snow have melted away into a mucky muddy mess.



  1. Sorry your snow is gone. Fortunately for you, it will come back again! It was beautiful!

  2. Nice look to your site. I almost didn't recognize it... Tee hee.

    Merry Christmas from Coco

  3. Before and after! I love that!! You really must make a note to do another "after" once those rhodies and stuff start a'bloomin! That would be so cool.

    Now, I'm going to take some pictures of our WHITE and actually post a blog by midnight!!

  4. I am so sorry the snow is all gone. How very, very sad. We still have lots here. It is supposed to be really cold for the next few days, so I am sure it will stick around. I didn't even go to work today the roads were so bad.

  5. Now why did I think that you'd have the snow for awhile longer...?

  6. Well it was sort of festive for a day! Merry Christmas!

  7. Maybe you'll get a little snow before Christmas to make it a white one!

  8. Try spreading copious amounts of flour and sugar around your kitchen. It's snowing here... in just that manner... only 12 miles from you!

  9. Oh well, so much for the snow...
    Hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas, sweetie!!


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