{What is all the calamity about?}

{Farm Life} ....... {Art} ...... {Learning} ...... {Motherhood} ......{The Story of Us}


 This past year has been a sea of emotion.  Joys and sorrows.  Gratefulness and peace.

The ebb and flow, felt as thought I were being pulled out to sea one minute and the next, felt like I was drowning. Once or twice I cried a sea of tears. Tears of joy, frustration and deep sorrow flooded from me. There were days that I just bobbed along peacefully.  At times I wrestled  fiercely with life, yelling out to God from the quiet of my garden.  Some days, I sat quietly and drank it all in; storing up every blessed moment.

There are so many things resting on my heart that warrant sharing but as I ease back to this beloved space I find that I can only share the simple, not the deep.

A frosted Barley Pop on the only (nearly) hundred degree day of the summer.

The piano, on loan to Calamity Farmstead, brings me joy (most) every morning.  (Note to self: teach kids new song....'Heart and Soul' is grating on my nerves.)


  1. Your pictures seemingly reflect your writing mood. I like that. Oh,...and I want a barley pop!

  2. I want a barley something huh yuck huh yuck. It's been a year for sure. :)

  3. What the heck are you drinking???

    i adore you... It's been a year... ugh...

  4. I, for one am ready for a new year. Something a little less...crazy.


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