{What is all the calamity about?}

{Farm Life} ....... {Art} ...... {Learning} ...... {Motherhood} ......{The Story of Us}

Peeking out...

The sun has poked its bright head out here in our neck of the woods. And while the children jumped (ha!) at the chance to play in the sun, (in shorts and tanks, no less) I took the opportunity to snap some photos.

This is Fidget and HeadLong enjoying a romp on the tramp.

Hopping that you have a sunny weekend. ;<)


  1. I'm "hopping" that you have a sunny weekend too! And, I hope that some of the clouds from the past few days have passed. You've been on my mind a lot!

  2. Oh! Look at Fidget's hair! How beautiful.

  3. Great pictures! My kids would love a trampoline!

  4. seriously, Fidget's hair did look incredible.

    Genny won't stop wearing capri pants, regardless of the temps outside...

    oh. p.s. I gave you an award!

  5. What great photos of the kids! I love how the sun was illuminating your daughter's blonde hair!

  6. Now I really want to live in a warmer climate. I might even get a trampoline.

  7. NICE weather! We're covered in white stuff - and it ain't powdered sugar.

    THanks for stopping by and keeping my secrets. I'll show you the secret handshake later.

  8. Love the pictures!! Look how graceful they are... must get it from their mother.


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