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Capturing Time, Capturing Life

Time heals all wounds. Time in a bottle. Once upon a time. Time will tell. There's a time to reap, a time to sow. Summertime. Dinnertime. Time to walk the dog.  Time to smell the roses. Time to work, to sleep.  There is a time for everything under the sun.

Once upon a time, I felt that time/life was slipping too quickly from my grasp.  Time was fleeting.  I felt that there was nothing I could do to still the ebb of time. Time was speeding by, lightening fast.  I felt I was running out of time. Never enough time.  Life is too short.

I am not sure when I made the conscious, concerted effort, to change my way of thinking about time and its effect on my life, but I did. I decided to take back time, capture life.  I stole the batteries from the clock.  I let all the batteries in my large collection of wrist watches slowly die without rushing to rescue them.  When the power went out, I didn't run to reset the clock on the microwave. I would do everything I could to slow down this speeding car called Time; I would capture time.

This past summer has been my summer of slowing down and taking time... to take my time.  I made changes  that I hope will effortlessly flow into our busy school year schedule.

Slowing down is important.  Taking my time is important. This is my new mantra.

This little blogging space is such a source of sadness and joy for me.   In its absence from my daily routine,  I have been able to see how much time it stole from me.  Time that was needed elsewhere. Time that was meant for someone else.

As Fall begins to creep in and Summer readies to take her nap, I am more mindful of the passing of time. More mindful of  how very precious time is and how important it is to take time to enjoy the journey.

ANNA QUINDLEN : Life is made of moments, small pieces of silver amidst long stretches of tedium. It would be wonderful if they came to us unsummoned, but particularly in lives as busy as the ones most of us lead now, that won't happen. We have to teach ourselves how to live, really live...to love the journey, not the destination.

 Life is too short to sit idly by and watch it leave you in the dust.  Get in the car and drive! Take hold of the wheel, give Father Time a run for his money.  Love the journey.


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