{What is all the calamity about?}

{Farm Life} ....... {Art} ...... {Learning} ...... {Motherhood} ......{The Story of Us}

Let's get real people......

Over the weekend, I read the most recent newsletter from one of my favourite scrapbooking celebrities, Ali Edwards. The whole theme of her letter was "Get Real". She encourages the reader to "live with intention", "shed excess" and the two that really jumped out at me: "move forward" and "fear less". (read: my girlfriends know, that I have lots of GREAT intentions and BIG plans but all to often, I let fear stop me in my tracks.) So, I accept Ali's challenge. I am going to "get real".

Over the course of the last few months I have been working hard on "shedding excess" in my life. Just this past Friday, I cleaned out my full to the brim with non-crafty things, craft room. I shed a total of 2 fifty five gallon garbage bags of YES, garbage as well as 4 large trash bags of Goodwill and at least one mouse (remember my letter to the mouse?) nest. I feel about 150lbs lighter AND I have a craft room again.

On Saturday I was slated to babysit a friends kids while my darling Inspector General and said kids father, went out to cut fire wood. This caused me a lot of frustration. I would be babysitting at the said kids house, all day! So "living with intention" I checked my attitude and packed a whole load (literally) of projects to work on. Granted, I didn't accomplish all I had intended; I did get more done than had I not taken any action at all.

Sunday I "moved forward" with the Spring Cleaning. I, with the Inspector's help, moved all the living room furniture and vacuumed all of the junk and dirt out of the corners. This was a moving experience (ha, nice pun) for me. We just moved (back) in last September. I could not believe the amount of crayons, Lego's, hair balls and lost left socks we dug out from under the couch and chairs. At some point in the coming week I will finish things up by: dusting the ceiling fan, de-cobwebbing, putting up some cafe' curtains. Who knows maybe I will re-arrange the furniture.

Today I choose to be "fear less". Today I will start to write my story. (read: see Ali's blog for more on this)

Today I am going to sew something, anything.

What will you do today in your journey to "get real".


  1. What a great blog. We move often, so it's either throw it away, give it away or put it away. Nice blog.

  2. I get this... you are awesome! I love you... I needed this motivation this morning!

  3. I will take the "get real" challenge with you. This is supercalifragilistic... this is good!


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