{What is all the calamity about?}

{Farm Life} ....... {Art} ...... {Learning} ...... {Motherhood} ......{The Story of Us}

31 Things

When I first heard about Ali Edwards' class '31 Things' I wanted to take it badly. Then I thought 'well, I could do that on my own-for free' but I lacked accountability and after trying for a few days to think of a list of prompt words and failing I decided to buy the class. It's almost my birthday so I thought 'Why not?' plunk down a small stack of dollars (found a 10% off coupon online-woot!) and do something fun just for me. I have never taken an online class and am a little nervous about writing my life stories everyday for 31 days.  And since I purchased the class late I am playing catch up which is a little nerve-wracking.  The rigors...the stress...the excitement!

Despite my silly worries, I am eager to start this project and document the stories of my life. As I finish up these stories of "me" I will, Lord willin', be posting them here.

I hope you will join me on this journey of writing down '31 Things'.


  1. Excellent! Just what you need and want! It's the perfect gift to yourself. Can't wait to read your stuff.

  2. Good for you! Very best wishes with your project!

    ~Have a lovely day!

  3. GUMPTION. You've got it. Can't wait to read.

  4. Yay for you! Hope it's just the right Birthday present to YOU!

  5. I can't WAIT! Woo hoo! And Happy Birthday!

  6. What a cool birthday thing to do for YOU!

  7. Well, I'm so excited I could just squeal... don't keep us waiting forever.
    Not that I'm rushing you or anything.... take your time.
    But hurry, for Pete's sake!
    (Who is Pete?)


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